Snippet Converter

How to convert Visual Studio Code snippets to Sublime Text 3 quickly? You don't need to rewrite hundreds of your snippets manually, just use our service. Convertation of 1 snippet from one text editor to another costs only 0.1$ (10 cents).

Convert from
Convert to
Choose your files
File formats allowed: .json, .code-snippets, .zip
Note, than you can upload only 100 files per time. If you would like to upload more files, please upload them several times or use the ZIP-archive (files should be in the archive root)
You've choosed files

Why choose our service

Flexibility and adaptability

Moving to another code editor? The service works with most of popular formats and code editors, which makes it a universal tool for developers of all levels. It can convert snippets of such editors as Sublime text 3, Atom, VS Code, PHPStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm & IntellijIDEA

Fast Convertation

Our service is capable of processing large amounts of snippets quickly and efficiently, which will allow you to save a huge amount of time on rewriting snippets from one code editor to another.